The Different Therapy Services We Offer
Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Group Therapy
coming soon!
The Different Therapy Techniques (or Modalities) We Use
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is one of the most common therapy techniques used today, especially for mood related issues. It states that our thoughts affect and can dictate our feelings and behavior and vice versa. By changing our thoughts, we can change our feelings and consequently our behaviors. Therapists often question how the client wants to act or behave and then guides them in how to make this a reality. CBT believes that you must practice doing things different in order for them to actually BE different.
For more information on CBT, visit:
National Association of Cognitive Behavioral Therapists:
Solution Focused Brief Therapy

SFBT is a short term, solution focused approach to addressing problems. It believes that focusing on problems leads to more problems, but focusing on solutions brings solutions and ultimately hope and relief. At the core, it states that people are not broken, they are the experts on their lives, and that they are able to use their own resources to build solutions. SFBT works to identify what is working and what is not working then tries to build small successes out of this knowledge. In SFBT, we work to quickly relieve stress and create hope by focusing on the future and not the past. It fosters a treatment relationship where the client and therapist are both goal oriented and motivated to find solutions.
For more information on SFBT, visit:
SFBT Association:
Institute for Solution Focused Therapy:
Play Therapy

Children socialize and come to understand their world through exploration and experience. This is most often done through play. Play is the way that children learn, communicate, and express themselves. Play therapy takes this understanding as well as that children don’t like to merely sit and talk for an hour and uses it to solve the issues that children are facing. This type of therapy is not merely an hour of fun in the therapist office. Rather, play therapy is a structured approach to rebuilding a correct emotional and behavioral approach to the issues children deal with. When used with families, play therapy works to ensure a happy, healthy, and functioning parent-child relationship. We use play therapy techniques designed to address four core areas in a parent-child relationship: Nurture, Structure, Challenge, and Engagement
For more information on play therapy, visit:
Association for Play Therapy:
Theraplay Website:
Exposure Response Prevention

ERP is THE gold standard treatment for OCD and is a type of CBT. However, most therapists who do CBT do NOT do ERP, which is why it is very important to find a therapist specifically trained in this modality for OCD. Our therapists also have training in Habit Reversal Training (HRT) and Comphrensive Behavioral Modal (ComB) to use with body focused repetative behaviors (BFRBs) such as skin picking or trichotillomania and Tics.
ERP focuses on exposing oneself to the things that make you anxious or frightened in small, bite-sized chunks and teaching you how to manage the discomfort during those moments. We often think of OCD like a false alarm- it tells you that there is a problem, and it feels like there IS a problem- A BIG PROBLEM, but the reality is OCD is wrong. So, we work to help your brain recongize when OCD is setting off that false alarm and be able to deal with the response your brain automatically generates in that moment.
For more information about ERP, visit:
International OCD Foundation
Video Explanation by Natasha Daniels
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DBT while most frequently used with boderline personality disorder, the skills and tools can be life changing for anyone struggling with emotion regulation, distress tolerance, interpersonal skills, or mindfulness. While we do not provide structured DBT therapy, we do frequently borrow from and utilize the skills DBT teaches. DBT can be especially beneficial to clients struggling with suicidal ideation or self injurious behaviors as well as significant depression.
For more information about DBT, visit
Association for Cognitive & Behavioral Therapies
Behavioral Tech
Art Therapy

Art therapy like play therapy focuses on the non-verbal expression of one’s thoughts and feelings. It is believed that art therapy can help increase self-esteem and interpersonal skills, reduce stress, manage behaviors, and build insight. It is especially helpful for those who struggle with verbal expression of feelings (intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and severe stress) as well as those who might shy away from traditional talk therapy. Art therapy focuses on increasing one’s personal well-being through creative explore of self.
For more information about art therapy, visit:
American Art Therapy Association
We also utilize other therapy techniques and treatment modalities such as MMAT, PMT, motivational interviewing, and cognitive processing therapy for PTSD.
Not sure which therapy technique is right for your child?
Sometimes the diagnosis or problem dictates which therapy technique or treatment method we use, but usually there are several to choose from. Your therapist is trained in multiple treatment methods and will pick the one that is best suited for your child and issue. If you are searching for or wanting your therapist to use a specific treatment method, please let our intake staff know when you call and your therapist at your first appointments.
Reach Out
7002 Graham Rd Ste 211
Indianapolis, IN 46220